Please CLICK HERE to register a player for the fall season.

If you would like to volunteer as a coach or register your team, please CLICK HERE


The Mini Kickers’ program was developed for three- and four-year-olds who are anxious to get started in soccer. The purpose of the program is to teach players some basic soccer skills and to help them develop a love for the game.

Unlike any other soccer organization we know, Elite Soccer League allows players to request specific coaches and/or teammates without restriction. As a result, teams often stay together year-after-year and lasting friendships form both on and off the field.

Details for the Mini Kickers’ program are as follows:

  • Age Brackets - Boys & Girls Born in 2021 & early 2022

  • Game Dates - Saturdays, September 13 through November 15 (9-10 games)

  • Practices - 20 minutes of skill drills before each game (no required mid-week practices)

  • Locations - Teams formed by city, games played on local fields (see www.elitesoccerleague.com/fields)

  • Cost - The Early Bird pricing of $95 is in effect now through June 1. After June 1, the cost will go up

  • Deadline - Registration closes on August 26! After the August 26th, players will be added to the waitlist

  • Format* - 3v3 with no Goalkeeper

  • Choice - Players and coaches can pick their own teams without restrictions

Each Saturday, teams meet and spend 15-20 minutes before the game warming up and working on drills with teammates. After warmups, a game is played against another team participating in the league. Games consist of four 10-minute quarters and last about one hour (including breaks). The format is 3v3 (three-on-a-side).

Each team is composed of 8-10 players with two coaches supervising. For games, the team splits into two groups of players. These two groups play against another team which is also split into two groups. As a result, there will be two 3v3 (plus 1-2 subs) games going on side-by-side and at the same time. This allows coaches to make adjustments in between quarters and ensure that all of the kids are learning and having fun.

Players who sign up with friends will be placed together on the same team. Those who sign up as individuals will be assigned to teams where they can make new friends.  If you are interested in being a parent volunteer coach for the Mini Kickers program, please let us know in the comment box when registering your child or use the team link shown below to register as a coach.

If you would like to register for the fall season, please CLICK HERE

If you would like to volunteer as a coach or register your team, please CLICK HERE

If you would like additional information about our Mini Kickers program, please send a note to fall@elitesoccerleague.com.