Please CLICK HERE to register a player for the fall season.
If you would like to volunteer as a coach or register your team, please CLICK HERE
Our goals for the Rec Plus soccer program are 1) to help the kids develop a deep love for the game and 2) to give them the skills they need to later play on one of the Signature or CFA club teams if they choose.
Unlike any other soccer organization we know, Elite Soccer League allows players to request specific coaches teammates without restriction. As a result, teams often stay together for several seasons and strong friendships form both on and off the field.
Details for the Fall Rec Plus Program are as follows:
Age Brackets - Boys and girls born between 2014 and 2017 (separate brackets are formed for each calendar year)
Game Dates - Saturdays, September 13 through November 15 (9-10 games)
Practices - Two training sessions per week
Locations - Teams formed by city, games played on local fields (see www.elitesoccerleague.com/fields)
Cost* - The Early Bird pricing of $135 is in effect now through June 1. After June 1, the cost will go up
Deadline - Early Bird Registration Deadline is August 1!
Format - 7v7 for players born in 2016 & 2017; 9v9 for players born in 2015, & 2014
Choice - Players and coaches can pick their own teams without restriction; Elite Soccer League will fill in any openings on the roster with individual registrations.
Refs - for Rec Plus, we use an independent, professional referee organization to cover the games. The cost for the referees is about $40 per family for the entire season and is collected by the Coach or Team Manager before games begin. The primary benefits of using paid refs include player safety, and no untrained, unhappy, forced volunteer refs.
*For Rec Plus, volunteer coaches have the option of requesting a paid trainer to help with the team. The cost of the trainer (no more than $50/month/player) is a separate charge and will be invoiced once training has begun.
*In cases where a qualified volunteer is not available to coach, Elite will assign a professional coach to take practices and games for the team. The cost for a professional coach ($75/month/player) is a separate charge and will be invoiced once training has begun.
If you would like to register for the fall season, please CLICK HERE
If you would like to volunteer as a coach or register your team, please CLICK HERE
If you would like to learn more about our Rec Plus Program, please send a note to fall@elitesoccerleague.com