If you would like to tryout for a Spring 2025 Signature team, please click here to register for an evaluation
To register to coach a Spring 2025 Signature team, please click here
Signature League was created to help players and teams transition from pure recreational soccer into a more competitive environment. It is a natural fit for young players who love the game of soccer and who have developed into top players on their respective recreational teams.
Signature League is able to accommodate full teams wanting to move beyond recreational soccer as well as individual players. Some teams are coached by parent volunteers and some use paid trainers. Either way, coaches who join Signature League are instructed by the same trainers who certify all club coaches and trainers in Southern California.
Signature teams with players born in 2017-2019 will have one practice per week plus one group training per week with other Signature players (two sessions total per week).
Signature teams with players born in 2013-2016 will have a monthly training combine event with our CFA coaches/teams will end the season by playing in the Aliso Cup Tournament (May 31 & June 1) with CFA and other new club teams.
If you are interested in learning more about our Signature program, please see below and/or send an email to
If you are interested in bringing a team into our Spring Signature program, please fill out a Team Registration Form.
If you already know you want to tryout for Signature, please fill out a Signature Player Evaluation Form.
Age Brackets - Boys and girls born between 2013 and 2019
Spring Play Dates - Saturdays/Sundays, March 15 through May 17
Practices - Two training sessions per week
Locations - All games are played on local, South Orange County fields
Player Fees* - $125 for Signature plus the same registration fees normally paid for recreational spring soccer (CLICK HERE for details
Deadline - Signature is a seasonal league and follows the same registration deadlines as for Rec (CLICK HERE for details)
Format - 7v7 for 2019-2015; 9v9 for 2014-2013
Choice - Players and coaches can pick their own teams without restriction; Elite Soccer League will help fill open slots through the Signature Evaluation process
*Uniforms are not included in the registration fees. The cost for Spring uniforms is about $85. In addition, a $35-$45 referee fee (per player) will be collected by the Team Manager before the season begins for 2016 and older teams